A New Thought

This is the time of the year when we are all supposed to be thankful. This is Thanksgiving week in the U.S. Schools are out and businesses slow their chaotic pace. Christmas shopping officially begins. It is the one week of the year that we should count our blessings and be thankful. While there is nothing wrong with giving thanks, I wonder if we allow ourselves to fall into a meaningless routine. The ritual of Thanksgiving can cause us to go through the motions of the season without truly experiencing the power of gratitude.

I challenge you to try something different this year. Be a thanksgiving blessing for someone else. Instead of the normal routine of thinking about all that you have to be thankful for, create a reason for someone else to be thankful. Give an unusually large tip at the restaurant, go out of your way to bring goodies to someone who could use encouragement, share a word of hope, or pay for someone’s meal who is not expecting it. There are thousands of ways you can be a blessing to others.

This week, look for ways to impact a life. Think about how you can demonstrate small but meaningful acts that give others the opportunity to be thankful. Make this Thanksgiving about more than the annual ritual of slowing down and thinking about ourselves. Let’s reach out to those around us with a new focus....

When we choose to become a Thanksgiving blessing to others, we will make a difference!

Happy Thanksgiving,


Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
with Steve Riat

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