Weak Enough
I recently got to spend time with Rick Burgess, the cohost of the “Rick and Bubba Show”. The show began in 1994, and has grown into a nationally syndicated radio show that airs to 1.2 million people weekly.
A Little On The Handle
He really didn’t have to do it. It was not his job or his responsibility. However, this leader saw a need and chose to tackle it.
Getting Back
I was there on a business trip and found myself observing the hard working team that was struggling to keep up with the surge of guests eager to get back to a normal lifestyle.
Baron’s Grace
He took care of his client with patience and respect even though it meant that he had to do extra work to accommodate her.
Happy Birthday!
It seems like yesterday. We embarked on a journey with a vision, no… a calling, to make a difference in the lives of others. Twenty-two years later, we are still on that road.
There is no Limit
Trust is built through experience. It is not gained through lectures, promises or good intentions. Recently, I observed a team that added to their infrastructure of trust. It began with a crisis and ended with excellence.
Struggles. We have all experienced them. You may be in the middle of one right now. It is assured that problems and obstacles will be a part of our life. It is not a question of IF we will encounter hard things. The question is HOW we will respond to the difficulties that we face.
Three Gentlemen
At a recent event, I met three gentlemen, all in their eighties. I like to engage this generation to learn and gain insight whenever I get the chance. As we talked, they told me that each had been married to their wives for well over 50 years.
The Fast Food Leader
The restaurant was busy at lunch time and was understaffed. She worked hard and kept smiling, thanking customers for their patience.
A Legacy of Giving
Leaders come in all shapes and sizes. It doesn’t take long to identify the ones who are pursuing their own selfish agendas and those who truly care about others. Brian Cook is a leader who cares. He doesn’t just say he cares, he shows it.
Beating The Odds
Darrel is living a legacy of leading by putting others first. It is a great reminder for all of us that true leadership begins with service. Choose to lead by giving to those around you and you will make a difference.
Casting A Shadow
Darrel is living a legacy of leading by putting others first. It is a great reminder for all of us that true leadership begins with service. Choose to lead by giving to those around you and you will make a difference.